Conducting a Board of Directors Meeting

A board of directors meeting gives your company’s leaders the chance to discuss the company’s future make important decisions and nail down company policies. The effectiveness of your meetings depend on the quality of your discussions and the quality of the board’s leadership. Board meetings also allow you to set key performance indicators (KPIs) and monitor the progress towards your company’s goals.

A well-constructed agenda for the board can to guide the discussions of your board and keeps the meeting efficient, efficient and on point. Directors should be prepared for each board meeting by reviewing the agenda and papers for the board sent out before the meeting. This is a normal practice and ensures that every director is able to contribute to productive discussions.

The chair should ensure that a quorum is present at the time of the meeting. This is usually done by a roll-call, which will identify those who are present in order to legally conduct business.

The board should then hear the reports of standing and special committees. The board members should ask questions and debate the reports presented. The board may have to spend more time with the subject to find the best solution.

It is important that directors respect each other’s opinions and refrain from using whispering, body language or notes to discredit another person’s opinion. Directors must be attentive and only speak when asked.

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